Startup Idea: Tattoo Design Optimization Software
I'm a tattoo artist. I stay pretty busy. I design a lot of my tattoos on my PC because it's easier to print them out and run them through my stencil maker rather than having to hand draw each design. Hand drawing each design can be very time consuming, especially when doing something small such as a resize.
I spend a lot of time looking for clipart or photos to use as reference. Unfortunately a lot of the art I download has water marks or once I bring the photo into my photo editing program a color that I think is a solid color is actually many very similar colors.
I'd love to have a program that could remove water marks and/or combine similar colors to be the same shade so I don't have to spend a lot of time coloring the photo. I want every photo to be perfect on my computer before the client sees it, as it's usually this photo that makes the client decide whether or not they want the tattoo.