Startup Idea: Automated DVD Release Calendar and Search Tool
I would like a way to link a calendar with new DVD release dates for movies as they release. I have to manually check web sites ( to see what has been added and changed) and I would like to be able to order it (or search for it at a library if I want to see it for free before buying it).
I'd like for an easier way to plug the title keywords into a search query at my local library (most public libraries use the same catalog software which would make it easier plug it into the URL generally used by all libraries) plus Amazon, Walmart, etc to help work tword a finders fee from the retailers later on. I've tried writing linux scripts, just as a test and a personal project off and on for my use. Mostly I would have a CSV file with the movie titles and the script would generate a html page with links of the queries to see if that title is carried in the card catalog yet.
I got tired of opening a new search and retyping the title each time, even with copy and pasting it was a hassle. I made it so that I could just click on the link for the title and it would open the results in the next page (or a new tab).