Startup Idea: Automated HITs Acceptance System for Amazon Turkers
I am a full time Amazon Turker. I want a better way to accept HITs.
My current method involves having several windows open at the same time and I am continually manually refreshing those windows.
When a link turns blue at the top of a page, I immediately click on it and then I click "Accept" in the HIT. THEN, I read the HIT and see if I want to do it and if I qualify. HITs disappear very fast. Often when I am in the middle of a task, I will refresh my open windows to accept additional HIT's.
I wish there was software that existed that would accept the HITs for me. I would like to be alerted when a HIT is captured for me. When I have a moment, I will manually review it and either go on and complete it or return the HIT.
Nothing like this exists. I would personally be willing to pay for a system like this.
The software would only capture HITs when I tell it to do so. This would eliminate much time wasted in trying to catch HITs as quickly as possible. I spend quite a lot of time doing this!
Thanks, I hope this is useful to you.