Startup Idea: Automated HITs Acceptance System for Amazon Turkers

Summary for idea #112
Startup idea to develop a software solution that boosts efficiency for full-time Amazon Turkers by automating the process of accepting HITs. The program would only capture HITs when activated, saving the user from manually refreshing and checking pages, and would notify the user when a HIT is captured.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I am a full time Amazon Turker. I want a better way to accept HITs.

My current method involves having several windows open at the same time and I am continually manually refreshing those windows.

When a link turns blue at the top of a page, I immediately click on it and then I click "Accept" in the HIT. THEN, I read the HIT and see if I want to do it and if I qualify. HITs disappear very fast. Often when I am in the middle of a task, I will refresh my open windows to accept additional HIT's.

I wish there was software that existed that would accept the HITs for me. I would like to be alerted when a HIT is captured for me. When I have a moment, I will manually review it and either go on and complete it or return the HIT.

Nothing like this exists. I would personally be willing to pay for a system like this.

The software would only capture HITs when I tell it to do so. This would eliminate much time wasted in trying to catch HITs as quickly as possible. I spend quite a lot of time doing this!

Thanks, I hope this is useful to you.

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