Startup Idea: Script Management Software for Game Development
I often write scripts for gaming, via work be by myself or with a group of others and I tend to find myself getting disorganized with all of the current scripts I have.
You could make a program that helps one keep track of all the scripts one has made. I personally make scripts involving different codes whether it be LUA/Java/C++/HTML there's a wide variety, but I get highly annoyed with having to make numerous folder for all of my codes, sometimes even get annoyed with having to title my code. So why not a program that simply you throw your script in a single folder, whether it be on your desktop or in your documents, when launching this software you choose where this scripts are loaded and it automatically makes folders for each different kind of script(LUA,Java,C++,HTML or any other type of format), automatically placing certain format scripts in their designated folder also with a feature of autonomously naming the scripts via. searching for a piece of code named "Title"(Which is usually the base piece of code that the top of the code) and extracting the information after Title(:,-,~ or any other type of punctuation)and naming that script what the name of the "Title" is.
I would definitely pay upwards up $5 - $10 for this piece of software, maybe even have other features implemented could allow the price to be higher. No I have not.
Submitter: Yes honestly I would, Keith, (view contact info)