Startup Idea: Homegrown Homeschool Organizer Software

Summary for idea #1162
Startup idea to develop a comprehensive and user-friendly software for homeschooling organization. This software should aid parents in managing their child's curriculum, attendance and grading. It should also have portfolio features to showcase work examples and extensive record keeping to comply with state requirements. It should be desktop and mobile friendly.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I am a stay at home mom of two children under the age of 5. I am beginning the journey of homeschooling my oldest and I will do the same for my baby when he is old enough. right now I am using a binder to organize my homeschooling curriculum as well as my other household essentials. I would love to have everything I have planned available in an easy to navigate program on my laptop. It would need grade keeping, attendance, portfolio area for her work examples. It would be nice to have the same program available on my phone for when we are on the go. Pennsylvania requires pretty extensive record keeping from homeschool parents, so this software would help me daily as well as when records are due at year's end! HomeschoolTracker Homeschool at Hand MomRecords. I've checked homeschool blogs, but nothing worth purchasing.

Submitter: Pam (view contact info)

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