Startup Idea: Automatic Sound Profile Management Software
I currently work in sales but I also do content creation, especially sound mixing as a hobby. As such, I currently used multiple sound output devices with my PC. I have built in monitor speakers, headphones from Audio Technica (for work) and Astro (for gaming), each with their own external DACs (from Fiio and Astro respectively) and have just ordered a set of JBL studio monitors.
My big issue right now is that sound output levels and equalization are not standardized across my devices, so I must readjust all my settings every time I switch an output device.
I would definitely pay a few dollars for an app that could create, manage, and automatically switch to different sound profiles depending on what device is active. I would pay even more if the app could automatically configure these profiles automatically for new devices based on the profile already set up for a given device. For example the AT headphones have a more balanced sound so switching to a more "fun" set of headphones like the Astros would require a reduction in the bass levels to maintain an overall similar porfile.