Startup Idea: Automated Inventory Querying System for Retail Store
I am a stockman at an arts an hobbies store, the store is quite big and the warehose in the back is big also. Due to the fact the store pays really well and can afford to have to many employees clocked in at once , and also they start cutting hours. During this time of the year it gets outragesly busy , and there is and incredible amount of work that needs to be done, all employees are working at max speed and at the same time helping out customers at the store. We are so busy sometimes the phone doesnt stop ringing at all , all day. The customers that call are generally looking to check if we have the merchandise at the store, or place a complain. It would be helpful if there was a way , that an automated system could help the calling customers, searching for merchandise to see if we have it in stock or not. That would be a great help and as a result we would get more work done.