Startup Idea: Voice to Text Application with Sync and Reminder Features
I am a stay at home mom who is home schooling a junior high student, as well as raising a three year old, and staying on top of the teenager who attends public school. This doesn't include running the household chores, finances, animal care, running errands, and starting a business. This leaves me very stressed and exhausted more often than not. Most of this drain comes from the mental log of everything that needs to be done and should be done. There are times that things get overlooked due to trying to remember everything.
I am aware of calendars and notepads that I can take notes with, but I could really use a talk to text app that not only uploads to my google account so it's accessible from multiple devices, but also updates my google calendar with reminder alarms automatically set. With the days that I have stopping to write things down or type them out just takes too much time.