Startup Idea: Resume Filtering and Analysis Software for Precise Recruitment
I am in the Human Resources industry. The company that I work with manufactures parts.
This work must be very precise and done with exacting detail. There are two other companies that do the same type of thing in my city.
One of these companies have very good employees that to be honest we love the recruit away from them.
The other company however, tend to have problem employees who do not normally do the quality of work we want to see.
They also frequently claim to have HS degrees and do not. When we have an open position, we must wade hundreds of resumes.
We pretty much automatically throw out any from employees that work or have worked at the low quality place. But this requires a lot of time and reviewing.
I would love to see a program that could search and exclude resumes based upon certain parameters. I know that this sounds a lot like something you could do with resumes on Monster or Indeed.
But I am talking about resumes sent in by candidates, not cold calling. We also get a lot of repeat applications, I would love to be able to exclude them also.