Startup Idea: Currency Converter Software for Multi Level Marketing Company

Summary for idea #1240
Startup idea to develop a software that allows a Multi Level Marketing Company to sell products in multiple currencies. This software will provide a solution to reduce loss of international sales due to currency conversion issues, as identified in a prevailing issue with Canadian sales due to lack of currency support.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

Currently I am working for a Multi Level Marketing Company selling Weight Loss Coffee. Since Valentus is an international company, to have all currencies would be extremely helpful. Unfortunately that is not the case right now. Currently they can only offer US currency which deters away lots of Canadian buyers. Having the correct software that could allow more than one currency, I know that myself and fellow entrepeneurs would purchase something to allow that to happen.

Here in Canada we are losing so many sales because that one issue alone! This one problem being solved would take me to the top of the chain so fast. The coffee works, its truly amazing but with the exchange rate right now and this economy, Canadians don't want to take the leap.

Thank you for taking the time to read this! Merry Christmas!!.

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