Startup Idea: Security Clearance-Based Meeting Scheduling Software
My work place is a contractor that works with many different divisions of the government. This idea is not government related, but more to do with the scheduling aspect of meetings that I think would be easily relatable to multiple industires. In certain meetings, only people with security clearance can attend, and in others anyone can attend. We can NEVER figure out who has what clearance and what clearance levels are allowed in what meeting. A massively important and helpful software would be something that allows you to construct a daily schedule that you can print out, with the hour blocks showing which meeting is being held and its location/time, but shown in various colors that annotate what the security clearance of the meeting would be. The software would also be able to hold all the information for employees, so that meeting organizers could print out a list of those who qualify to join a meeting. We waste so much time trying to figure out what meeting we are allowed to go to or supposed to go to and then meeting organizers waste even more time trying to figure out if everyone in the room is supposed to be there. The software would allow you to set filters and the output would be a printout of the schedule (with colors) and a list of people who could attend.