Startup Idea: Dedicated Platform for Research Grants and Scholarships Search
I am a marketer and project operations for a startup that primarily deals with students and scholars in traveling aspects.
During my time with the startup, I have come across many people who were looking for and asking for diverse research grants and scholarships on the side, on top of their primary business with us.
Sure, it is possible for each of the scholars and students to go through heaps and heaps of search results and all kinds of institutions and grant opportunities to find out what is available and applicable for them. But I find this to be such a massive waste of time and talent of these scholars and students.
It would be awesome if there was a platform or a database that will track and record diverse grants and scholarships, and give out search result when a student or a scholar input their qualifications and purpose.
The search for grants, research funds, and scholarships is maddening at the current stage, especially when it involves international academic opportunities. It would be very helpful if such service exists. We try to gather universities and research institutions. However, I have to say that the current approach far from ideal nor efficient. Many times, we end up giving out an outdates records.