Startup Idea: Land Development Data Aggregation System
i am a land developer, i locate parcels of land in order to wholesale to other builders or build myself. Alot of the websites for the city assessor offices are cosntructed in a way where i have to search through each individual parcel, search by name, or search by stree or account number in order to accumulate a list of possible leads within the database. This is very tiem consuming because not only do i have to search each county in each city, it takes days just to build a list in each county. Then, on top of tht, i have to find the lephone numbers in the whitepages online in order to get the contact nformation for each owner based ont hier address. If there was a computer system that could derive my list for me by allowing me to define the criteria and then allowing the program to search through each counties website and find the properties that meet my criteria, that cut my research down signficantly. There are some websites that allow me to do this already, BUT those are few and far inbetween the list of websites that arent designed that way. Can you guys build a system that could run on my comupter that would narrow my search on these type of websites?.