Startup Idea: Floral Shop Task Manager Software
I work in a floral shop and we have had to hire several managers to do what is really a very simple task. I don't understand why it is so difficult to assign arrangements to the different designers, but it is. They are constantly stopping work on one arrangement to hurry up and do another that has to be delivered immediately. The managers don't seem to be able to assign the projects in an efficient manner. The program needs to synthesize: the difficulty of the arrangement/how long it will take to prepare how fast or slow the various designers are (they vary widely in speed) what time the arrangement is due
I realize this sounds overly simply, but it seems to be something our humans have trouble with. When you have 2 designers and 60 arrangements to be made, it can be hard to tell who should do what first. I don't know if management would pay, but I would bet they would, since they keep hiring morons who cannot fix the problem. This seems cheaper than a moron's salary, to me.
Thanks for your consideration.