Startup Idea: Mobile Intake and Reporting System for Non-profit Counseling Agencies
I work for a non-profit counseling agency and see clients daily who are seeking counseling and outreach services. I work in rural areas, so I often don't have access to much of the paperwork they have in our central office, especially if the client was not scheduled to come in. It would be great if we had a way to complete the intake on our laptops (or whatever), then use that info to generate our statistical reports at the end of the month. Right now, we have to complete the paperwork, enter some of the information in an old system that doesn't even catch multiple entries of the same person, then do our monthly reports ourselves on an excel sheet. I work exclusively with domestic violence & sexual assault victims, so safety and confidentiality are always top priorities, yet we have to carry around lock boxes with paper files in our cars. It would be great if the new system could use our danger assessments & information it finds about the perpetrator (such as if there are any current warrants, if others have filed for PFA Orders against him, if he's on the sex offender registry, prior arrests for dv, sexual assault, burglary, & the like) to prepare a personalized safety plan.