Startup Idea: Casting Director Database Solution
I am a casting director in the entertainment industry for 5 years. I deal with allot of actors sending me demo reels and resumes. I get easily over loaded when I advertise a casting call.
This creates problems when I talk to the client because I need to be more organized and efficient. Unfortunately this has resulted in me not getting contracts and people not getting employed.
I am also loosing peoples contact information and having a hard time following up with such a High volume of individuals .
The idea for this solution is to enter demo reels and resumes into a database that is connected to a website. It would need to be able to handle high volume of demo reels and resumes.
I need to be able to enter each video with key words and allow for notations in the future from each casting director. The resumes need to be able to be key word searched along with the head shots. The headshots need to be thumbnails so they can been seen on one page with 50 other actors of the same type.
This make my job easier because the client just points at the picture they like. Once they click on that picture they can view the bigger headshot and demo reel. Then the resume needs to be visible.
I also want to be able to do side by side comparisons of 5 actors at once.
This will be very helpful because I can simply give the client a tablet and they can go through all my actors and crew in a single sitting picking the people they want.