Startup Idea: Employee Time Tracking Software
I am a sales rep for a popular electronic retailer. One of my biggest and most consistent complaints is that my company does not properly track and log vacation time, and work time. So far I have been cheated out of roughly $1,500 in pay and over 30 hours of vacation time because of human error.
If there was software I could use to track my hours worked on my own electronic device I know this issue would never happen again. Even if it did I would have the proper evidence to back up my claims through this software. I'd imagine it would work as a hours counter and a vacation time calculator so that I know how much vacation time I've also accumulated without being cheated by my employer.
I am sure I am not the only person having troubles with this kind of topic and I don't think it would take much to develop. I'd pay a minimum of $50 to have this software.