Startup Idea: Grant Oversight App Development

Summary for idea #1446
Startup idea to create an app for grant oversight. The software would support customizable forms for project checklists, and the capability to log, search, and generate reports of specific information from the checklist data. The tool would be accessible from both mobile and desktop, allowing data input and review on multiple devices.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I provide oversight of various grants. As part of my oversight I perform project visits of funded grants. I oversee 50+ grants. I have a checklist for each grant that I have to fill out. I would like an app that helped me create and customize a form of the checklist. The checklist is a series of questions I ask to managers overseeing the funded projects. I would be able to go over the checklist on my phone as well as input information about the project title, organization, name, type of grant, amount awarded, and other misc. information. The data would also be available through desktop, so once I've filled out the information on my phone or tablet, I can later log into app interface on my desktop work computer and print out a pdf report or completed form as well as add any comments or information relevant to the visit. This would save me time. Currently I just have a hard copy form/checklist I fill out, then scan to pdf and file it on my computer, but I have no way of running a report or search of specific criteria for each site visit. For example if I wanted to see a report of all the sites serving 5 or less youth I have to look through each individual checklist form. I want to be able to log into an program and specifically run a report with this data.

An app or software program that could do this would be helpful.

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