Startup Idea: Community Needs Identification Platform
I have recently moved to a new state and am considering starting a business - however (and I've only been here 5 weeks) I find it hard to find a need that is underserved in the community that would be profitable to capitalize on. My method now is to meet, talk to and listen to people while trying to coax out of them thoughts for a service or a commercial need that they would happily pay for. An app or website that a community could use to express needs or wants that they feel are not present in the community would be great. It would promote entrepreneur business and be a platform for Joe public to say hey - I can't get any food delivered - or I cant find anywhere to buy these items locally.
give a bar graph of all requests..
Residential cleaning - 54% Computer repair services - 12% retail commodity that is impossible to get 43%
possibly add a forum or message board for general discussion.