Startup Idea: Resale Optimization Software
I actually do resale of objects. A big pain is the ability to track and optimize the sale of the item. in other words, if I acquired a large number of antique postcards, I want to be able to enter, in a searchable database, a lot of information about the item in order to: add information about their value get a report of postcards created by one artist get a report of postcards of one genre, track the provenance of these types of items and also use bots on the internet to get more information on these types of items
and so on.
But I have MANY items that I acquire and want to resell.
This is much more than inventory tracking.
I WOULD pay for software to solve this
I also would need many descriptive and photo fields
this is a real headache for me. I think that peoplesoft could have done this but not the bot part.