Startup Idea: Inventory Management & Warehouse Mapping Software for Kit Assembly
I work in kit assembly (parts are manufactured overseas and assembled in the US for retail sales)
I need inventory tracking and warehouse mapping software that would allow me to calculate how much a particular part or kit earns compared to how much it costs to produce and warehouse per cubic foot per day.
For example a slow moving but high markup kit can cost much more than it earns when it's warehoused for long periods of time and even more so if there are components that expire (such as burn cream or alcohol wipes) that require the kits to be reworked (removed from packaging, the expired component removed and replaced with fresh inventory, the expiration dates and bar code stickered over and the kit is then replaced into fresh packaging.
I would love to be able to go to the marketing and sales departments with this information so that they would be able to push inventory that makes more money than it costs to warehouse and rework and warehouse some more.
I would definitely pay for it and would pay extra if it could be used to create visual maps of my warehouse that I could use to deliver information to the relevant departments (At this time I do the calculations necessary by hand and write reports but marketing really only understands pretty pictures :D).