Startup Idea: Automated Email Query and Fulfillment Software for Publishing Industry
I am an editorial assistant for a book publisher. As part of my job, I am responsible for fulfilling the publisher's obligation to provide complimentary copies of books to the people involved their production, including but not limited to: authors, editors, contributors to edited collections, translators, reviewers, copy editors, blurbers, grant agencies, etc.
This has always been done "by hand" so to speak. It is extremely tedious and time consuming. Once I have all the names of everyone who needs to be contacted, I have to e-mail each of them individually and get their mailing addresses.
Different types of obligations require different types of query letters.
The ideal solution to this problem for me would be a software program which would allow me to choose from templates that could be automatically filled in and interface with my e-mail.
Ideally I could plug in the e-mail addresses to which a certain template should be sent (putting in the addressee's name somewhere else in the program to make sure it corresponds to the e-mail) and then have the queries send with the appropriate template en-masse.