Startup Idea: Automated Student Files Organizer for Gymnastics Institution

Summary for idea #1653
Startup idea to develop a software that organizes student data for a gymnastics school. The program would automatically sort notes based on keywords into respective sections within a student's electronic folder, and allow printing of organized notes for parent-teacher communication.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I work in the education industry. I am a gymnastics instructor at a fairly large gym where there are about 30 employees and several thousand students. Many times my co-workers and I talk about how nice it would be to have a software program that organizes different information that we put into student files.

Most of the employees at my company are pressed for time, and we do not know a lot about computer, as we are there to teach gymnastics only. When we enter information into student files, we usually type it very quickly under a general notes section and leave it at that.

The problem with this is that all of the notes get very unorganized. It would be great if there was a program that recognized different keywords and could use those words to put specific notes into different sections within a students' electronic folder. It would also be great it we could print out a clear and concise copy of these organized notes to give to parents.

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