Startup Idea: Security Software Review and Tracking System
I work for a information technology company as a IT tech. Our company has over 150 people involved.
In the time that I have been working for this company our biggest problem is finding the right security software for our computers.
We have tried many security software programs and have run into computer hacking with each one a list of the security software we have used is kept on record so we don't go back to that one.
The perfect solution to this problem would be a program that all users could see in our office so we can all be aware of what software has worked and what hasn't in order to allow them to avoid these programs as well. At this time we still use bulletin boards in the main lobby to post our problems with the security software.
if we could come up with one area on our computer to refer to the software that has failed that would be helpful. We have not come up with a good solution for this yet. We have used google to search for ideas. We are still using our board to update the problem at this time.