Startup Idea: Rural Entrepreneur Success Scraper
My work focuses on helping teach and motivate rural and small town businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals to use the internet to increase their part-time incomes, stay-at-home incomes or their businesses. One obstacle in this arena is a lack of access to successes that have occurred in other small towns or rural areas. Information is available online, via media (print, predominately). I really could use some sort of scrapper that would collect across the net role models of successful small town entrepreneurs or businesses that I can share on the site I am developing. The obstacles that are felts in small towns and rural can be overcome but the lack of peer reinforcement is an issue -- and most have little time to go looking for that which inspires. People overlook the rural/small town markets where some 24% of the population does reside. As a result, there is a lack of focus on developing tools that address the needs of this specific market.
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