Startup Idea: Resource Management and Access Control Software
Up until four months ago, I worked as a Software tester, with programmers, in an Agile environment. We relied on Office 365 and a local server to organize and store all the resources that we needed for work. Anyone could log in at anytime to use these resources. The problem with this was that there was no way of telling who was using which resource at the time, so attempting to login to one would kick out whoever was currently using it. Another problem was that there really was no organization. Manuals, software release versions, executables, to name a few, were stored in a disorganized fashion. No one knew exactly where anything was, it was all buried. Consequently, it was difficult for new hires to find what they needed so they could begin work effectively. I think it would be useful to have software that users would have to sign into before they could access resources. Users could also use this software to check in uploaded resources and record their location. I have not. As far as I know, the problem is ongoing.
Submitter: Catherine, (view contact info)