Startup Idea: Startup Idea: Find Parking App
Summary for idea #1939
Startup idea to develop a mobile app that helps users find available parking spots in NYC. The functionality would be based on user-generated data, where a user can check in at a location with parking space and check out to indicate availability.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)
Find parking app. There is no app currently that lets you find parking in NYC. I imagine this app would be like 4square where it could grow big based on its users and wide access. Someone could check in on a street with crossroads and then check out to let other users on the app know that parking spot is available.
This software could solve my problem and everyone's problem who has an issue finding parking. I currently leave my house 30 mins early to give myself time to find parking before work. It's time wasting driving around when we have technology that could be useful to us and help fix this issue we just need to write software written to do it!.
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