Startup Idea: Stage Setup Visualization App
I am a stage hand at a rental performance venue. On an almost daily basis, we have to communicate with rental customers who describe in writing or on the phone the set up they want for the stage to be ready when they arrive.
Many times what they ask for isn't sufficient for their actual needs or they were picturing something different in their heads or we were picturing something different based on our knowledge of our equipment.
I would like an app that can be front loaded by us with the amount, types and capacities of equipment available to rental customers, everything from sound shells to marley (dance floor) to numbers of chairs, risers, microphones, spotlights, coordinated with the amount of time and personnel it will take to accomplish each set up (but only we would see that part).
Customers could drop and drag items onto a diagram of our stage so we would have a visual of exactly how they want chairs and risers and microphones placed.
We would use this multiple times weekly in our rental situation.
We could even store certain companies or renters that rent many times from us so everyone in the shop would know what they want, even if they hadn't worked that customer before.
It would save us time and therefore man hours and money.