Startup Idea: Software for Streamlined Work Experience Hour Recording

Summary for idea #1973
Startup idea to develop a personalized software for effectively recording work experience hours of employees across various departments in different locations. The software would automatically calculate total hours, allow for event/shift details entry, and can integrate with a fingerprint scanner for automatic in-out time recording.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

For the last year I've worked at a company where we get a lot of workers looking for work experience. I'm in charge of managing these workers and making sure they all get their work experience hours recorded properly.

My big pain is making sure that everyone's hours get recorded properly. Our company has several branches and dozens of workers so it's difficult to coordinate with all the other branches and make sure everyone's hours get recorded. I've been using Google Forms and Google Sheets to record and they have worked fine but they aren't optimized for recording work experience hours, which makes things more time-consuming. When I have to total someone's hours, I have to add their hours up in my head because the work experience hours include minutes and calculators can't add hours and minutes. My company would be willing to pay a one time fee for a software for recording worker profiles and recording their work experience hours.

The software would allow me to enter data about upcoming events and shifts like the place, time, what they are doing at the event, and how long the event/shift is. It would also allow me to calculate their total hours in the end, so when they come asking me for their work experience hours, I don't have to go through the hassle of calculating their hours in my head. A great new feature would be that the workers use a fingerprint scanner to sign in and out when they come and go and the data gets automatically recorded in the software.

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