Startup Idea: Next Level Virtual Reality Gaming Experience

Summary for idea #1990
Startup idea to develop a virtual reality software that provides gamers with a heightened, immersive and interactive experience. The goal is to create a holographic room environment where gamers can physically control their characters, elevating the concept of virtual reality gaming.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I am a gamer, and love everything related to this hobby. Something I've found to be a problem is the approach to virtual reality. I don't have the know how or thoughts of how to make it happen, but for any gamer we are always looking for a new "high" when it comes to a new game.

Personally I love playing Xbox 1, and I know there are the virtual reality goggles which help give a more realistic experience that I am talking about. However, that, still, is not enough. I'm not sure if this idea would be able to be tackled by 1-2 developers, or if a whole team would be needed, or whatever.

But, my problem is not being able to get that "high" I want from virtual reality. If you've ever seen the movie "Gamer" with Gerard Butler in it that's exactly what I mean when I want a new level of virtual reality. Being able to stand in a simulated holographic room and control my player.

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