Startup Idea: Tax Write-off Management App for Actors
I am a working actor in Philadelphia and one issue that constantly plagues us is what exactly are we able to write off on our taxes.
Since we work like contractors for the shows we do there are many things we are actually able to write off as business expenses, however I run in to many people who simply don't know all of the things that we are able to.
Make-up, business meals, traveling for work, etc. What would be really handy is an application or software that has everything we can right off on our taxes in an easily accessible database, and allows you to log new tax write offs as you do them.
There is an app for ride share called Stride that does a great job with this. It tracks miles you've driven, and has a space to enter in things you had to pay for that can be written off, and has a full list explaining each one.
So something like that but for actors.