Startup Idea: Cloud vs On-Premises Project Decision-Making Software
One of the most common issues that we're facing in our IT department is the struggle to determine which projects should remain on-prem versus in the cloud. We have cloud computing platforms and on-prem infrastructure alike. Based on some computing workloads, the latency needs of the project, and other small factors, it is often difficult to determine which project is better suited for one of these two compute environments.
A simple piece of software that would solve many of these problems that come up would be some kind calculator or analyzer that takes into account user size, data size, project growth, longevity, etc. that would determine whether a project should be run on-prem or be offloaded to our cloud platform.
This software would make my job and the jobs of my coworkers much easier. Much of our time is spent analyzing existing projects and seeing what could be moved around for optimal performance. These discussions take time and money for migration costs.