Startup Idea: Personal Contact Management and Personality Analysis Tool
I have a problem at I have often wanted a software program for. I am a social worker and a therapist, and in my personal life as well I deal with many people. Although I don't think you need to go to such an extent at your job, in my personal life I have often wanted a tool to help me remember everybody. A way to note my impressions of them. I even thought about how I might analyze or categorize people, not according to the DSM or the ways of clinical social work, but my own system for my own personal life. Their personalities and such. I don't know exactly what I would be noting, but even just things like something that someone did that impressed me (usually not in a good way - or sometimes in a good way, usually there's no good or bad about it but just things that I know about people) I would rather not store all that in my head. It's difficult to recall, and if you could collect it all in the software that would help you organize it and collect it. I've looked into contact management software extensively, as I have been interested in this in the past. I haven't found anything that is really what I'm looking for. Contact management software just stores contact info and maybe some of them store notes about phone calls, dates of contact, etc.