Startup Idea: Counseling Assistance Software for College Counselors
I work in college counseling; specifically, I work in multiple university and college settings as a counselor, helping students learn how to manage and cope with problems such as anxiety, depression, and trauma. Many students also suffer from difficulties related to disordered eating and substance abuse.
As colleges continue to grow, and mental health becomes more of a public and social priority, many counselors are looking for new ways to assist their clients with learning positive coping strategies. At universities, we often are embedded in tech-heavy student affairs or hospital settings, but rarely have the skills training to create our own software.
The software we would need would be usable on mobile devices or lap tops, and be able to assist counselors with giving out skills training assignments (i.e., meditation, deep breathing, health-related homework, etc.), and would also be able to track mood. It would HAVE to be very secure, as any data would constitute private health information. Such software would also have to be flexible and user-friendly, so counselors could create their own modules for clients.
Yes, many many counseling centers would pay for this software.
If this software worked properly, it would assist client goal tracking, skills development, and counselor-assisted assessment of patient well-being. Some products like this exist, such as TCO, but are proprietary, have no flexibility, do not allow users to create their own modules, and are enormously expensive for the product.
This product would be incredibly popular, and also have a really positive impact on society. Please consider creating such software - thank you!.