Startup Idea: Idea for Bad Dog Alert System for Delivery Professionals
Delivery people need a bad dog alert system. Bad dog tracker. Whatever. I am sick of delivering to houses and having their damn dog nearly bite my head off. The neighbors know which houses have the mean dogs.
Can't we have a map where people can go and tag the houses or addresses of the houses that have signs like BEWARE OF DOG? or houses that have been involved with police calls regarding their dog?
Just recently the police were called to a house over a threatening dog and the dog attacked the officer. He had to shoot the dog in the head.
Imagine what it is like when you only have a pizza box to defend yourself.
This would make my life so much easier. When I know there are hostile dogs at a place I can call ahead to make sure the animals have been leashed or contained. Otherwise I'm just a piece of meat walking into a trap. I haven't searched and the way I solve this problem now is bringing an extra pair of pants to work so I can change after I wet my first pair.