Startup Idea: Breastfeeding Food Tracker and Analysis App
I am a breastfeeding mother of a four month old child. I have noticed from my mommy groups that everyone is always wondering how they can increase their milk supply. Women try various things such as coconut water, increase of water intake, flax seeds, oatmeal, and other various home remedy.
I currently have an app on my phone that tracks how often I pump, how often I nurse, wet diapers, baby sleep time, and the amount of milk I have in my fridge, yet nothing tracks the different foods I try to increase my milk supply and how those foods effect my milk supply.
I think there is a big market out there for helping women track the food they eat and how it increases or decreases their milk supply. Most women pump multiply times a day and write down or use an app of the exact amount they pumped, but they aren't provided an analysis if it was more or less then the day before or even what hour of the day they get the most milk. Breastfeeding moms need something that's easy to use so that we don't have to spend countless amount of time that we don't have trying to figure out what home remedy worked the best and statistically how well it worked for us.
This isn't an issue of tracking the amount of milk because there's apps to do that now. It would be an app to track how well using different variables to increase our milk supply worked. I've joined different mom groups to try to figure out how to increase my milk supply. I searched breastfeeding in the app portion of my iphone and facebook. I attempt to solve this problem by trial and error. I dont have a great way of keep tracking of everything i ate, how it changed my supply, and how I could improve it so this idea would be very helpful to me.
Submitter: Marse (view contact info)