Startup Idea: Halloween Decorating Organization and Planning App
Well since it's Halloween and I was sitting on my porch last night I was thinking about this very subject. Every year, I decorate quite a bit, and give out candy for two nights. And every year I say that I will jot down how many kids come, etc, and I never do. I also say that I will take photos and keep a photo log of some sort so that I can recall what I did each year and more importantly HOW I did it. In other words, what plugged into what, and where did I put this or that in the yard. My problem is that I am creative and I like to do the decorations, but I don't like to do the record keeping of keeping all the files and pictures organized, along with any plans for the following year. That's a biggie right there. I always come up with other ideas for the following year, but when it comes time to decorate again, I have usually forgotten all about them which is very frustrating. So since I always have my phone around, I guess it should be an app of some sort? and oh yeah, maybe it could have some pre-loaded Halloween spooky noises that can be used (or songs!) and sent to the bluetooth speakers on the porch. That would be VERY cool and useful.