Startup Idea: AI-Based Advertising and SEO Tool for Home Business Owners
As a home business owner it can be pretty hard to properly advertise your business online. I would love it if there where a dynamic software that would be able to advertise my business without the risk of being flagged as some kind of spam website.
For example I run a small blog that I am trying to gain more exposure to without spending thousands of dollars on services or products that don't work without investing a fortune.
For example If the software could analyze my content and recommend websites, forums, other blogs or general websites I could safely advertise my content on that would be a big help. In addition to this I would love it if a software would be able to search engine optimize my content in stead of going nuts trying to learn the process.
As an added bonus it would be great if the software could remain constant through drastic search engine changes that force many website owners to change what they have done to get ranked. I'd easily drop a thousand on this kind of software if it was available.