Startup Idea: Offline-enabled Herd Management Software for Rural Farmers
I work in the farm industry managing a cow/calf operation. We currently keep paper records of our herd management, recording how our herds are organized and monitoring calving dates.
Unfortunately, due to paper and hand written records, it is often difficult to fully record and easily access all information in a uniform fashion. Also, with different individuals working and monitoring different aspects of the operation, it is often difficult to consolidate information effectively.
There are some mediocre web based software applications, but a simple system that would allow the monitoring of particular cow and cow calf pairs, similar to the cattlemax software ( only utilizing a non-cloud based software that could be synchronized when farmers reach an internet ready location would be an incredible benefit. Currently, many rural farmers do not have access (or need for the additional expense) of mobile wifi for I-pad managed herds.
The ability to track long term records, herd stats, sales statistics, and profitability reporting would be incredible, and I would personally invest up 3-5 hundred dollars in software that truly meets the needs of comprehensive tracking of a multi-pasture, multi herd cow-calf operation.