Startup Idea: Contact Management Application for Removing Duplicates
Over the years I have had many cellular telephones. Further, I have many email accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc). As such, I have over 17000 CONTACTS when i pull up my Iphone contacts to call someone. Most are duplicates transferred over from each account, so my mom may be my phone6 - 10 times, same information just in there for each account.
I need a way to have software get rid of all of my duplicates so my cellular phone searches are quicker and much less messy. I have downloaded a PAID app that claimed to fix this duplicates problem. It simply looked at my phones hard drive, where I have sixty contacts I must have manually input into my phone, and did a fine job with those but did not touch my 17000 contacts my phone pulls up.
I used Google labs to get rid of duplicates, but it only fixed my Google contacts.
Submitter: Jeff Wells, (view contact info)