Startup Idea: GPS-Enabled Software for Locating Lost Gear in Outdoor Recreation
I work in Outdoor Recreation as a professional mountain, river, trekking and held-ski guide. One issue where software/apps could sincerely help is in using GPS tech to find and locate lost gear. On the river where there are typically one to four rafts and at least one single "Ducky" inflatable kayak, gear stored and used by clients and guides often get misplaced, sometimes creating a safety issue at worst and a nuisance and loss at best. A software app which can be used in conjunction with inexpensive GPS trackers would be a boon for Outdoor Rec and guiding outfits (of which there are lots, enough to warrant the R&D of such software). Because cell towers and coverage have become much more prevalent, it is feasible, even in places such as the Grand and other backcountry locales.
It is also important to note that Outdoor Recreation is a fast growing field where the participants tend to be upper middle class with disposable income, thus making the app and software something that has financial viability for start-ups and R&D. Options have been explored, but they all are designed to locate people and not tagged and lost goods. The problem needs to be solved, and the faster the better.
Submitter: Erik (view contact info)