Startup Idea: Education Administration Automation Software

Summary for idea #2298
Startup idea to develop a software solution aiming to streamline the process of taking attendance, recording grades, and syncing multiple platforms. The software should reduce the administrative burden of manually entering data into Excel and Blackboard by automating these tasks by creating an automatic sync between Excel, Blackboard and other education-related software.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I work as a teaching assistant at a university, teaching sections, taking attendance, holding office hours, and completing grading. In this capacity, I usually work with Microsoft Excel to note student attendance, grades, and whatnot before inputting them online in larger categorical chunks ("midterm," "lecture attendance," "extra credit," etc.).

The Excel spreadsheet that I create uses some equations but honestly isn't great for taking note of lecture, section, event, and office hour attendance, as I must add a row for each additional date if/when a student shows up. It would also be super useful if this information could somehow be automatically updated to Blackboard, the education software that we use for final grading.

I would absolutely pay for software that could save me the huge amount of time that it takes to input student names, information, grades, etc. into Excel over the course of the quarter and then repeat it into Blackboard after calculations are made (i.e. tallying each day that the student attended section out of the total number of sections). The software could be as simple as automatically syncing Excel to Blackboard but would best be some other kind of software that draws upon my roster and other existing data to create a spreadsheet and making it easier to sync grades across platforms.

I know that this is somewhat education related but is far more administrative than pedagogical so I hope that it is helpful. If not, I am happy to write another idea, as I work multiple jobs.

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