Startup Idea: Coffee Review and Rating Platform
I have worked as an Assistant Manager for a Cafe and Coffee shop and have considered starting a coffee shop of my own for several years now.
As a coffee enthusiast, I often try new coffees from different roasters around the United States. I do this both to explore what coffees I will want to serve in my own cafe someday and which I prefer, personally. Outside of taking notes on my phone or in a notebook though, I have found it is very hard to find a way to store data about the different coffees I have tried - and outside of the information provided by the roaster, I have very little information from other coffee drinkers regarding what their thoughts are on the coffee.
An app that allows people to rate and review coffees would be extremely well received within the coffee industry. While these apps and websites have gained momentum in the world of craft beer ( there does not seem to be one true aggregator of this content for coffee that allows for user interaction and expert reviews. I'd love to see an app that allows people to submit their own reviews, but also collects reviews and ratings from experts in the field so those within the industry can share their feedback and feel it is respected, too.
While I wouldn't pay for this sort of app to be developed myself, I would certainly pay for it as a user. The team developing it could also likely pair up with another entity within the specialty coffee industry willing to promote it.