Startup Idea: Automated Trademark Search For Graphic T-Shirt Designs

Summary for idea #241
Startup idea to develop a software solution that automates checking of trademarks for graphic t-shirt designs. The software should allow bulk input, such as through a spreadsheet, and streamline the process of searching for trademarks on the USPTO site, saving time and mitigating legal risk.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

My industry is graphic design and web design. I am tasked with coming up with new graphic t-shirt designs daily. I also have to periodically check if the design I put out have any trademarks. I check these before the shirts are published but I have to recheck them as they maybe trademarked by some else after production. Have a live trademarked t-shirt is a serious offense and could jeopardize our publishing capabilities on the platform we use. The platform is quite lucrative and still has a lot of potential. Note we are talking about hundreds of shirt designs and will be at thousands by the end of the year. We search the USPTO site for trademarks. However this is one by one. A software that would search the info via something like a spreadsheet where we would only have run it once and get back the data would save a ton of time.

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