Startup Idea: Startup Idea: Virtual Office Complex Software Development
My company is considering renting additional office space, however a virtual, software-driven solution may offer a different approach.
As an alternative to renting physical office space for employees, the possibility of developing a virtual office complex could be considered. This innovative office environment would leverage sophisticated virtual reality and advanced graphical technology commonly available via commercial entertainment consoles. If this solution is not deemed practical as a complete replacement for a physical corporate headquarters location, this virtual office complex (VOC) could be utilized by selected departments or by employees working at home or in remote locations.
VOC benefits include: Reduced costs associated with acquiring and maintaining physical office space. The costs associated with developing the VOC should be more than offset by the aforementioned savings. The company will become a leader in environmental stewardship by significantly reducing employee travel and its associated impact on the environment. Reduction in employee commuting time and effort will improve their quality of life. Increased employee job satisfaction and employee retention As an early adopter of the VOC concept, we could provide consulting services to other companies considering this option.
VOC technical and hardware requirements include:
Working with an appropriate vendor to develop a VOC application that would reasonably replicate the physical office environment. This application must deliver the defined VOC benefits and functionality.
Each employee will be issued a console and monitors that will be capable of executing the VOC application as well as any other applications required to perform their work duties. Employees would likely use two monitors, one for their detailed work and one for the visual representation of the VOC.
Many employees would also be issued a laptop computer to allow access to the corporate network outside of the VOC. This may be required when employees are travelling or opt to work from home in a more traditional manner.
Complete integration with the corporate network via VPN connections.
Each employee would be required to have sufficient access to the internet to support the VOC application.
VOC functionality includes:
A full-body image of each employee will be scanned so that an accurate representation may be depicted. Each employee will be represented by this image while in the VOC.
Voice samples will be obtained from appropriate employees so that text-to-speech yield realistic results.
A realistic office environment would be generated including appropriate employee work stations and offices. Employees would be able view their assigned workspace in a realistic manner and they would be able to use the application to navigate around the VOC in a natural manner.
As employees navigate around the VOC, they would be able to view workspaces in a natural manner.
As employees navigate around the VOC, they would be able to hear voices and sounds that would logically produced via VOC interactions.
Employees would navigate the VOC via a simulated walking process that approximates natural ambulation. Staircases, elevators, and any other transit mechanism would be navigable by employees in a natural fashion.
Employees would be able to approximate physical interaction with other employees. Most standard physical interactions would be supported, however any inappropriate behavior would be subject to disciplinary action.
All activity within the VOC would be recorded for quality control and legal purposes.
Appropriate visual and auditory privacy would be supported in VOC offices and conference rooms.
Employees would be able to access appropriate areas of the VOC via a virtual security badge. Employees would activate the virtual security badge via an appropriate authentication process. Employees could access the VOC by virtually approaching a virtual door or gate. Employees could also opt to drive their virtual car to the virtual VOC parking lot. Any virtual cars driven entering the VOC parking lot must be based upon actual cars containing steel that was made and manufactured in the USA.
In an effort to safeguard employee privacy, transmission of live video or audio from the employee's remote location would be exclusively controlled by the employee.
Employees would be able to interject live or recorded video and audio to the VOC from their remote location.
Employees would be able to interject audio mimicking their own natural voice based on any provided text.
The application would suggest an optimal virtual wardrobe for each employee based upon their scanned body image. The employee would also be able to select additional clothing items from major retailer websites. Each employee would be able to freely select appropriate clothing items for their VOC representation.
The application would suggest an optimal virtual cosmetics and hairstyles for each employee based upon their scanned body image.The employee could opt to apply these recommendations or alternatively select other options offered by the application.
The application would offer appropriate virtual accessories which can be used to adorn employee virtual workspaces. The employee would also be able to select additional items from major retailer websites
Employees within the VOC will be able to naturally interact with virtual keyboards and monitors. Any virtual monitor within the VOC would be visible by any employee within realistic visual range of the device.
The VOC would be virtually located in an actual geographic location. The weather conditions at the actual location would be observable from the VOC in real-time.
Employees would have limited virtual access to the virtual geographic location immediately surrounding the VOC. Employees would be able to virtually access sidewalks and trails in the immediate vicinity of the VOC.
Employees would be able virtually interact with virtual office equipment such as printers, copiers, scanners, and shredders. Employees would be able to utilize this equipment to create or destroy virtual documents. Any virtual document created within the VOC could be virtually transported by the employee to any other location within the VOC.