Startup Idea: Mobile Relationship Management App for Sponsorship Officers and Executives
I am development officer focusing on corporate sponsorship and membership sales and there is no convenient relationship management app that sponsorship officers s as well executives can track and easily input data about a meeting, prospects, and follow up items, and assignments, then share it with the group as well as easily sync it with Salesforce, Raiser's Edge, or other similar sales management software programs.
The issue is that the inter-relational databases used to track sales and the prospect chain are robust but very layered. If companies could drill it down to a simple App to help executives and officers input information, verbal and typed about meetings with prospects, next steps, and so forth it would be helpful. Sponsorship Officers are expect to input data after a meeting when they are in front of a laptop or back at heir desk or pass on information to a data entry clerk. This results, in most of the time, information not being entered and shared with the group. So if one person leaves a company and they didn't input information, many times this results in the loss of leads and relationships. Yes, and I tried Basecamp and Evernote but the relational databases are too robust and haven't drilled down to having a complimentary App.
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