Startup Idea: Retail Employee Sales Tracker App
I work in retail. And every week we have new or promotional items. Every employee is encouraged to up sale these items. Which the employees earn points.. So up saleing these items is good for our individual store and are employees. But are computer system types out how much of each promotional item each employee sold only at the end of the week. So the employees have to try to keep track of how much they sale. Sometimes we will have up to 20 to 30 promotional items and they all are worth a different amount of points. It would be very motiavating for the employees to be able to have some kind of app related to the store to where they can put in their worker id number and be able o scan the promotional items and see how much they have sold of each. I think it would motivate them to try to sale more so they can earn their rewards, and it would help the store too. Its a win win.