Startup Idea: Comprehensive Landscape & Plant Care Management Application

Summary for idea #2620
Startup idea to develop a software or application that acts as a complete management system for home or commercial lawn and plant care. This system would allow users to enter their variety of plants, trees, and grass and produce a comprehensive care schedule from a gardening database. It would guide when to fertilize, spray bug killer, aerate, prune, trim, mow, water, etc.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I have thousands of dollars of flowers, scrubs, trees and grass on my property. I take care of my own landscaping and plants. With the variety of items, it is really hard to keep up with the maintenance program. I would like an app or program that would provide me with an annual schedule for the care and treatment of the landscape materials. Such as when I should fertilize, spray bug killer, aerate, prune, trim, mow, water, etc. Something where I can list the items I have and then have the application go to a gardening database to pull the advise into a report and spreadsheet. This would be a great value add for large garden nursery stores to offer to their customer. I have looked and can't find anything in an app. You can find information on single items like flowers but not a comprehensive reporting system for a whole home or business. Right now I use the internet to visit gardening sites. Not efficient.

Submitter: (view contact info)

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