Startup Idea: Fabric Requirement Estimation Software for Fashion Design

Summary for idea #2659
Startup idea to create a user-friendly software that can estimate the amount of fabric required for a project. It would ask for body measurements, and could account for added details like ruffles or cinches, in its calculation. The aim is to save time, reduce waste, and minimize the need for repeated trips to fabric stores.
Original submission by someone willing to pay to get a problem solved (not AI)

I am Fashion design hobbyist who sometimes makes a little extra cash on the side by making and selling outfits and articles of clothing.

I have a really hard time figuring out ahead of time exactly how much fabric I need before I start a project. There is no easy way to do this and I usually end up buying too much or too little because my math is almost always wrong. This results in frustrating repeated trips to the store to buy more fabric, or I end up throwing fabric away and have wasted some money.

Yes I would definitely pay for software that did this if it were affordable. If the software is accurate, it'll eventually pay for itself by keeping me from buying extra fabric.

The software would allow me to input the body measurements, then the software would return with the body surface area, telling me roughly how much fabric I'd need. I could also tell the software if I plan to do ruffles or cinch some fabric in a certain area and the software could tell me how much extra fabric I would need for that. Yes. I did a web search for "fabric calculator" and while a result I use from that works ok, it's mainly for upholstery and other things. It's not for specifically clothing on a body and is therefore just as inaccurate as when I try to do the math myself.

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