Startup Idea: Event Organizing Software for Large Corporations
One of the biggest problems we have at work is organizing events (picnics,office parties, holiday events) for large groups of people. We are talking about department, divisons branch functions (20 to hundreds of people). The software should ask what type of function it is, the atmosphere that is being sought and approximate budget, food options, proximity to the office. The software would come up with suggestions for activities, catering, locations, transportation. It would also allow people to sign up for events, pick menu options, and send out reminders.You could also include advertising or listing fees for companies. It could also include a history of previous events as a template. This is something that could be used by an Admin and handed to the department head for approval. We use spreadsheets, ask around for ideas and spend time calling up places for time and events. There is no software that we have found that does all these functions. Our company has 40K employees so functions are pretty common. 10 people spent an hour coming up with suggestions.
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